Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Overview

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Inorganic reaction mechanisms involve the step-by-step sequence of elementary reactions by which an overall chemical change occurs. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for explaining how and why reactions occur, predicting reaction products, and designing new reactions. Here is an overview of the key concepts and types of inorganic reaction mechanisms.

Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Overview

Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Overview

Types of Inorganic Reactions

Substitution Reactions

Substitution reactions involve the replacement of one ligand in a coordination complex with another. These reactions can occur via different pathways, primarily associative and dissociative mechanisms.

Associative Mechanism (A)

In an associative mechanism, the incoming ligand approaches the metal center and forms a bond before the leaving ligand departs. This pathway is characterized by the formation of an intermediate with increased coordination number.

Dissociative Mechanism (D)

In a dissociative mechanism, the leaving ligand departs first, creating a coordination site on the metal center that is then occupied by the incoming ligand. This pathway involves an intermediate with a reduced coordination number.

Interchange Mechanism (I)

Interchange mechanisms feature simultaneous bond-making and bond-breaking events. There are two types: associative interchange (Ia), which resembles the associative mechanism, and dissociative interchange (Id), which resembles the dissociative mechanism.

Electron Transfer Reactions

Electron transfer reactions involve the transfer of electrons between species. These reactions can be classified into two main types: inner-sphere and outer-sphere mechanisms.

Inner-Sphere Electron Transfer

In inner-sphere electron transfer, the electron transfer occurs through a bridging ligand that connects the donor and acceptor metal centers. This mechanism often involves the formation of a transient complex where the bridging ligand facilitates the electron transfer.

Outer-Sphere Electron Transfer

In outer-sphere electron transfer, the electron transfer occurs without any direct interaction between the donor and acceptor metal centers. Instead, the electron moves through space or solvent, with no bridging ligand involved.

Oxidative Addition and Reductive Elimination

Oxidative Addition

Iinvolves the addition of a molecule (e.g., H2, RX) to a metal center, resulting in an increase in the metal’s oxidation state and coordination number. This process is common in the activation of small molecules and the initiation of catalytic cycles.

Reductive Elimination

Reductive elimination is the reverse of oxidative addition, where two ligands on a metal center combine and are eliminated as a single molecule, decreasing the metal’s oxidation state and coordination number. This step is crucial in the formation of new bonds and the completion of catalytic cycles.

Ligand Redistribution and Exchange

Ligand Redistribution

It involves the exchange of ligands between different metal centers or within the same metal center, often leading to a more thermodynamically stable distribution of ligands.

Ligand Exchange

It refers to the process by which ligands in a coordination complex are replaced by other ligands from the surrounding environment. This process can be driven by factors such as ligand concentration, steric effects, and electronic effects.

Catalytic Cycles

Inorganic reaction mechanisms are fundamental to understanding catalytic cycles, where a catalyst facilitates the transformation of reactants to products through a series of elementary steps.


Inorganic reaction mechanisms encompass a wide range of processes that explain how chemical reactions occur at the molecular level. Understanding these mechanisms helps chemists predict reaction outcomes, design new reactions, and develop efficient catalysts. By studying substitution reactions, electron transfer, oxidative addition and reductive elimination, ligand redistribution and exchange, and catalytic cycles, we gain insights into the fundamental principles governing inorganic chemistry.

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